Condolences: Our Losses
Condolences for
losses of classmate family members.
Our hearts are with you.
* indicates new entry
* Mary Jane Howard Mells: Mary Jane lost her husband and best friend, Tony, on December 18, 2023 Obituary
Kim Smith Roberts: Kim lost her mother, Rhoda Smith, on June 6 after a 2½ year decline. From Kim: She was quite a force! She worked full time as a nurse until she was 84. She never had aches and pains! She was nearing 96 years old. Richard and I were blessed to be there when she went to heaven.
Paula Michaels: Paula's mother passed away April 9, 2023. A funeral service will be held April 19. Obituary
Diana Yanas Dudley: Diana lost her father Nick Yanas on January 11, 2022. 6 weeks prior she also lost her mother, Nora Yanas. Beth Turner noted, "Some of you will remember her parents as avid supporters of anything Mel Hi."
Debbie Cross: Debbie lost her beloved mother, Louise Cross, 10/21/2022 and her mother-in-law (Todd's mother) the day before, both unexpectedly.
Trisha Ward Nicholson: Trisha lost her mother, Mildred Ward, on September 21, 2022 at the age of 99. Her memorial service will be October 22, 2022 at 1pm at First Baptist Church of Melbourne on Dairy Road. Obituary
Peggy Yotti Lynch: Peggy's husband, Les, passed away in July, 2022 after a 2 year battle with cancer. Peggy: Husband, father, brother, friend left this earth and is now hiking through heaven’s mountains with Maxwell the yellow lab at his side. We love you Les and miss you terribly, You are in a better place with no pain. #cancersucks Obituary
Bonnie Yearty-Smith: Bonnie's husband, Bob, passed away on August 11, 2022 after a short illness with cancer. Obituary
Anna Delgado: Anna's mother, Rosa Delgado, passed away on July 14, 2022, on Anna's birthday. Obituary (click here). Anna said, " was finally time for my 'stick of dynamite, “beautiful strong mama to Rest
in Heavenly Peace and go dance with my Dad again.
Deb Strank Smith: Deb's mother, Billie Patricia Strank, passed away on Tuesday, May 17, 2022 at 6PM. Obituary
Jan Bachman-Daggett: Jan's big brother, Bart Bachman, lost his battle with cancer on May 28, 2022.
Ken Herron: Ken lost his mother on May 26, 2022. She was 93 and was in very good health until a fall in December. She went into Hospice in January 2022. Ken states she had a very good life.
Jerry McTaggert: Jerry's father passed away Sunday, August 15, 2021 after contracting COVID. Obituary (click here). Please keep him and his father in your thoughts and prayers.
Caroline Clisby Darras & Cathy Clisby Bird ('74): Caroline and Cathy lost their mother, Sara Chapman Clsby, 90, on October 6, 2021 with all 4 of her children around her. Her Celebration of Life was November 6. Obituary (click here). Please keep Caroline & Cathy in your thoughts and prayers.
Wendy Zelazny: Wendy lost her daughter Alexandria "Lexi" Rivkin, on July 15, 2021 Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers
Janet Newquist Hunt: Janet lost her husband unexpectedly on 4/09/2021 to cardiac arrest. Her heart is shattered. Please keep her in your prayers and thoughts.
Alice Smith-Derico: Alice's father passed away March 26, 2021 at home. His name was Fletcher Smith, Jr, he was 89 years yound. Alice stated his birthday is April 12, that he almost made it to 90. She asks that you all pleasse keep her family in your prayers.
Eva Richardson Stadom-Turner: Eva lost her mother, Elizabeth Richardson at the age of 99 on December 8, 2018. R.I.P.
Alice Smith Derico: Alice's brother, Bruce Smith, passed away in Texas on Thanksgiving Day, 2020.
Lucinda Mills: Lucinda's mother, Eva Mills, passed away on 1/23/2021
Vicki Perrone Thuir: Vicki's father, Domenick J. Perrone died on February 22, 2019 in Melbourne.
Carol Caudill Roberts Vandiver: Carol's mother, Jo Caudill Roll, passed away on 9/24/2020, four days shy of her 86th birthday. She had a long struggle with her health after breaking her hip in March 2020 but she is now pain free and at peace. Carol asks that you please keep her family in your prayers.
Bonnie Bruneau Smith: Bonnie's father, Lewis Irving "Dewey" Raymond, passed away March 29, 2020. "Blessed to be called your daughter. You are now with your beloved Lorette and watching over all of your loved ones!! We will miss you and your chuckles!! Until we meet again!! Much Love!!โค๏ธ๐๐"
Michele Woronka: Michele's husband, Rick, passed away May 30, 2015 at the age of 57 from COPD and heart problems. He is survived by his wife, Michele, Son Ricky, Daughter CJ and 2 grandsons, Clay and Cody. He worked 35 years as a Police Officer and Crime Scene Tech and wasa well liked by so many as a caring Oofficer.
Daryl Davis: Daryl's mother passed away October 14, 2019.
Mark Williams: Mark's mother and former Mel-Hi English teacher, Elizabeth Williams, passed away December 10, 2019 at the age of 92. Many of our classmates have fond memories of Mrs. Williams and she inspired many in their life's course.
Sherri Platt Otcenasek: Sherri wrote, "(on November 18, 2019), my husband Mike left his early body behind as he began his next grand adventure. He is free more more tremors. I will miss him, because I love heart is broken. Safe travels My Love...until we meet again. <3
Marla Demps: “It with a heavy and sad heart to inform you that my beautiful and smart daughter, Teneka Lynnette Demps, 45 years old, passed August 27, 2019. She will be missed but her soul is at peace, for that I am glad.”
Carol Caudill Roberts Vandiver: Carol's father, Harold Keith Caudill, passed away at age 88 on June 24, 2019.
Vikki Parvin ('74): Vikki's brother, Skip, passed away April, 2018
Jan Bachman-Daggett ('74): Jan's sister, Lari Bachman Webster, lost her battle with cancer on March 22, 2019. Obituary
Sheri Fetner: Sheri's father, Eugene 'Gene' Fetner, passed away on September 11, 2018.
Jamie Cox: Jamie's mother, Joyce P. Amis, passed away after a short stay in Hopsice on September 3, 2018.
Tim Wilson: Tim's younger sister, Yvonne Wilson Howard, Class of '74, passed away June 18, 2018. A Celebration of Life service was on Saturday, June 30th, 11am at Peace Lutheran Church of Palm Bay.
Debbie Cross: Debbie's father passed away peacefully in his sleep on Sunday, May 20, 2018 at the age of 84. He had suffered from Parkinson's for 12 years & Alzheimer's disease for 2 years. Obituary A memorial service was at Davis Seawinds Funeral Home at 11:00 am on June 9, 2018.
Patty Paige Geary: Patty's sister, Mary Paige (Class of '72), passed away Friday, January 22, 2015 and her brother, Frank, passed away soon after on February 3, 2015. Patty stated: "My sister Mary had one of the biggest hearts I ever knew. She was kind to everyone. She was very generous to her nieces and nephews who were always in need of extra money. Mary played clarinet in the Mel High band and marching band throughout her high school years. She is sadly missed by all that knew her. "
Deborah Conner Pallach lost her brother, Robert Conner, Class of '72, on May 14, 2017 at age 62 due to liver failure. He is also survived by their brother, James Conner.
Christy Hunter: Christy's father, Richard, passed peacefully in his sleep on April 1, 2018 after a long battle with Alzheimer's Disease. The funeral was April 14, 2018. Obituary
Pam Smith Klenck: Pam lost her husband, Jerry Klenck, November 4, 2015 after a courageous battle with brain cancer. Obituary [Apologies from admin for the late posting of this notice.]
Barbara McCray Ghent: Barbara's mother, Willie Lou McCray passed away July 1, 2017 at the age of 94.
Norma Gardner Padgett: Norma's brother, Lawrence Gardner (56), died unexpectedly at home June 17, 2017. Obituary
Sandra Lyons Grugan: We are sad to report that Sandie's husband, Rod, passed away 11/20/2016.
Stephanie Lomnicky Waltman: Stephanie's mother passed away September 11, 2016 at age 97.
Paula Spescia: Paula's father passed on June 29th, 2016. "He left us, peacefully, at home, with us there, and there was no pain. He was 85 years old."
Steve Luisi: Steve's father, Steve Luisi, passed away May 3, 2016
Sandy Walker Alexander: Sandy lost her mother March 11, 2016. "Mama's name was Kathleen "Sis" Foster Walker and she graduated from Mel High in 1946."
Virgil Elkins: Virgil's mother, Hilda Wells Elkins, passed away February 22, 2016 at age 92.
Richard Roberts: Richard lost his mother, Margarita B. Becker, on February 12, 2016. Obituary
John Frye: John's mother passed away January 21, 2016.
Diane Sheffield: Diane lost her mother and best friend, Polly Sheffield, on January 17, 2015.
Lindy Hazel Taylor: Lindy's mother passed away on June 26, 2015.
Josephine Kifer (Hinchman): Josephine lost her father, Merle Kifer (91) on May 8, 2015.
Michele Kent Woronka: Michele's husband, Richard 'Rick' Woronka passed away at age 57, May 30, 2015. The funeral was Friday, June 5. Obituary
Peter Cowell: Peter lost both of his parents, Shirley Cowell (93) and James Cowell (87) on May 26, 2015.
Mike Bramlett: Michael lost his mother, Betty (83) on April 24, 2015. Obituary
Paul Morissette: Paul's sister, Helen, passed away near February 24, 2015. Paul wrote: "Her days of suffering are over and she now resides in Heaven. I loved her so for she was a friend and sister who could surf or play sports with me. Helen is and was the prettiest female surfer in Melbourne Beach during her days growing up when surfing began to explode. She was a true Floridian. ride the waves of Heaven......peace."
Richard Otto: Richard's father, William E. Otto, passed away on January 10, 2015, one day shy of his 87th birthday.
Larry Bell: Larry's mother, Gloria Flathmann Bell, Dr. Flathmann to many of us, passed away December 21, 2014 following a hip fracture. She was a dentist in Indialantic since 1960 and retired from practice just this past July. She was 88 years old and had been practicing for 65 years. Obituary
Donna Lishka Donsife Filip: Donna's mother, Maxine V. Lishka, passed away on November 26, 2014. Donna would also like to pay tribute to her dad, Lyle G. Lishka, whom she lost August 11, 2010.
John Frye: John's 35 year old son, Joshua, lost his life December 13, 2014, far too soon. Obituary
Larry Brillante: Larry's father, Orlando Brillante, passed away October 11, 2014, at the age of 89. Obituary
Deborah Lutz Payne: Debbie lost both her parents early September, 2014, Martha on 9/02/14 & Robert Lutz on 9/01/14.
Patty Paige Geary: Patty's brother, Leon Herbert Paige Jr, lost his battle with cancer July 25, 2014 at the age of 55.
Maria Pendry-Midgette: Maria's father passed away June 29, 2014.
Teresa Blizman Fitzsimmons: Teresa's beloved father, Andrew Blizman, a Korean War vet, Purple Heart recipient, P.T.S.D. overcomer, passed away on Father's Day, June 15, 2014
Patty Stevens Ray: Patty's mother passed away June 6, 2014.
Mindy Sawyer Craine: Mindy lost her husband, Donnie Craine, in a tragic boating accident April 24, 2014
Ella Mae Mitchell-Wallace: Ella lost her mother, Margaret Roberson, on New Year's Day, 2014
Bruce Buggs: Bruce's mother, Ruth Buggs, passed away December 19, 2013
Debra Daniels: Debra's mother (Jean) passed away October 15, 2013
Shirley Blanding: Shirley's mother, Eliza Bell Jones, passed away October 11, 2013
Carolyn Egnoski Watson: Carolyn's mother, Betty Egnoski, passed away June 10, 2013 and is greatly missed by all the Egnoski girls.
Drew Huy: Drew's father passed away April, 25, 2013
Jerome Hardison's mother, Tommie Catherine Fudge-Kelley, passed away March 14, 2013
Janet Newquist Hunt: Janet's father, Walter Newquist, passed away February 15, 2013
Paula Michaels: Paula's father, John Michaels, passed away September 1, 2012
Bill Elliot: Bill's wife, Carolyn Elliot, passed away in June, 2012 after a long 3 year battle with brain cancer.
Lisa Durfee Donnelly: Lisa's mother passed away December 7, 2010.
If you have any information on someone who should be listed here, please contact Lisa Donnelly at