Missing Classmates

NOTE: Some classmates who have been positively contacted (talked to on phone or emailed back & forth) may not appear on this list, even if they have not registered on this site yet. This is to avoid multiple contacts of the same person.

A name with °° after it means they have "opted out" of joining the site and probably don't want to be bothered.

Charles Adkins
Thomas Alfarano
Linda Allen
Wayne Allen (Contacted)
Billy Ambrose
Dale Bader
Sue Banks
Joyce Barry
David Batchelor
Michael Baughman
Brenda Beecher
Fred Bell
Celeste Belliveau
Al Berry
William Bizub
Lynne Bliss (Contacted)
Steve Booth
Lee Bourland
John Bray
Milton Broomfield
Gregory Brothers
Sandi Brown (Bookkhammer, Class Of 72)
John Brown (Contacted)
Barbara Bubb
Patricia Butler
Gloria Cabal
Cecily Cain (Teacher)
Mary Ann Cain
Steve Campbell
Steven T. Campbell (Contacted)
Cathy Cannon (Contacted)
Melanie Cantrell
Georgia Carson
John Casey
Diane Christian
Earnestine Christian
Andrew Clark
Betty Clark
Christopher Clark
Paulette Clark
Nance Clevenger
Denise Collis
Francis Colonero
Jo Ann Cooper
Joseph Coughlin
John Courtney
Peter Cowell
Roy Crabb
Dante Cristofaro
Katherine Crumit
Debbie Curry (Contacted)
Debra Daniels
George Dasaw
Stan Davis
Marla Demps
Chris Easley
Leonard Emmons
Harry Engle
Beverly Faircloth
Ralph Falls
Karen Farley
Janet Fine (Wright Contacted)
Steven Fodale (Contacted)
Frances Foley
Roger Ford
Earl Gager
Brenda Garvey
Roger Gary
David Gasperini
Robert Gaultieri
Charles Gensel
Gary George
Donnie Gibbs
Loretta Gibson
John Gilham
Denise Gondim
Greg Goode
Gail Griswold
James Guilday, Class Of 72
Gerry Hadley
Susan Hamilton (Contacted)
Elaine Hancock
Marcia Handlos
Thomas Hanson
Margerine Harden
Michele Harmon
Jennifer Heater
Debbie Heiner
James Hembree (Contacted)
Kimberly Hencin
Michele Herman
Bruce Herndon
Mary Hildebraudt
Leslie Hoh
Minnie Holden
Melodie Honeycutt
Robert Hoopes
Tim Horn
Ron Housman
Sharon Hwalek
Donald Hyatt
Bebe Jackson
Samuel Jarrell
Alfred Jenkins
Eric Johnson
Jeff Johnson
Donald A. Jones
Patti Jones (Werle)
Rhonda Jones
Theresa Jones
Richard Keene
Stan Kelley
Denise Kelly
Gary Kennedy
Levonia Key
Carolyn Kiker
Robin King
Barbara Kingsley
Linda Kirst
Mike Koller
Robert Lambertson
Doris Leclair (Contacted)
Dennis Lett
Rexford Lett (Contacted)
Bill Ligon
Booker Lincoln
Judy Locke
Merrily Longacre (Teacher)
Willie Dell Mapp
Barbara Marshall
Harry Martin
Terry Mason
Sandy Matteson
Luie Matthews
Ronny McAloney (No Computer)
John McAvey
Janis McCleary
Debbie McCormick
Joyce McCready
Steve McDonald
John McLean
James McNair (Contacted)
Avis McNeil (No Computer)
Frank Mendola
Bob Mitchell
Ella Mitchell
Candace Mix
Denise Gwenn Mize
Lee Ann Mizerek
Richard Mooney
Erick Moore
Terry Moore
Robert Mosher
Kathy Mullins
Tom Mullis
Edward Murdock
Shanutel Myers
Zeke Nations, Class Of 72
Wendy Neagle
Dan Neel
Robert Nelson
Jonna Neuius
David Nichols
John Palmer
Gary Parker
Lou Pendrey
Carol Pergolotti
Janette Peronard (Contacted)
Lisa Perra
Dwight Petty
Debbie Phillippi
Christine Phillips
Susan Piper
Carl Pitchford
Gwenell Platt
William Ploeger (Contacted)
Judith Pobst
Pamela Post
James Preece
Michael Pressnall (Contacted)
David Rainwater
Gwendolyn Ramsey
Larry Ramsey
David Reinertz
Eugene Rigler
Carol Ritter
Karen Roding
Bob Rufiange
Ginger Rutherford
Cal Sanchez
Mary Scent
Trudy Schluessell
Stephen Shay
Jackquelette Shepherd
William Sherbrook
Judith Sigler
Leslie Silhan
Virginia Simmons
Alan D. Slagle
Michael Shane Smeltzer
Tom Smith
Lloyd Soughers (Principal)
Sharon Spath (Contacted)
Joey Spirito
Thomas Michael Springer
Ethel Stadom
Sonja Stephens
Leonard Stephenson
Donald Stewart
Karleen Stewart
Larry Stewart
Pat Sullivan
Gary Taylor
Miles F. Taylor
Theodore Thomas
Harold Thornquest
John Tice
Dianne Tillery
Eric Tonsing
Maria Tumbiolo (Contacted)
Mary Vann
Susan Wadlington
Danny Walk
Fred Wallace
Craig Walsh
Debra L. Waters
Scherell Watkins
John Watrus
Keith Webb
Joan White
Bernard Joseph Wigley
Bill Wilkinson
Clint Wilkinson
Kim Winslow
Fran Woodling
Jeffrey Alan Worrell
Mary Catherine Young
Susan Young (Contacted)

Guest Members

Lonnie Batten (Class Of '72)
Vera (Betty) Bundy (Class Of ‘71)
Quentin Cooper (Class Of 72
Deborah Durfee (Menichino) (Class Of '71)
Deborah Einem (Jorgensen) (Class Of ‘72)
Paul Harbach (Class Of '78)
Cheryl Kelly (Kleving) (Class Of '70)
Keith McNulty (Class Of '71)
Cyndi Smith (Becerra) (Class Of '72)
Betty Tsatiris (Teacher)
Lindy Yotti (Class Of '75)
