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Find and click on your name.


We are in the planning stages of our 50th reunion. We welcome all donations so that we can possibly keep the cost down of the event admission. Thanks in advance!


No registered users are online right now.


•   Michele Kent (Woronka)  7/26
•   Richard Otto  7/6
•   Deborah Lutz (Payne)  4/28
•   Claude (Randy) Murwin  4/16
•   Ken Herron  4/14
•   Richard Dargan (Class Of '74)  3/10
•   Janice Payne (Kirkland)  2/27
•   Debra Franklin  1/25
•   Cathy Clisby (Bird) (Class Of '74)  1/22
•   Kristine Karpenter (McCorvey) (Class Of ‘74)  1/16
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Alaska
1 lives in Arizona
9 live in California
5 live in Colorado
216 live in Florida
19 live in Georgia
2 live in Indiana
1 lives in Kentucky
2 live in Maine
4 live in Maryland
1 lives in Michigan
1 lives in Mississippi
1 lives in Montana
1 lives in New Hampshire
1 lives in New Jersey
1 lives in New Mexico
1 lives in New York
10 live in North Carolina
2 live in Ohio
1 lives in Oklahoma
1 lives in Oregon
1 lives in Pennsylvania
2 live in South Carolina
8 live in Tennessee
9 live in Texas
1 lives in Utah
3 live in Virginia
2 live in Washington
1 lives in West Virginia
1 lives in Wisconsin
1 lives in Spain
268 location unknown
101 are deceased


•   Suzanne Finch (Martin)  7/28
•   Debra Graham  7/29
•   Mark Williams  7/29
•   Linda Gaydosh (Hurdle)  7/30
•   Ken Marshall (Class Of '72)  7/30
•   Richard Roberts  7/30
•   Michael Vershel  8/1
•   Dorothy Frazier (Wallace)  8/6
•   Pete Sorensen  8/6
•   Hampton McRae  8/7
•   Eric Snyder  8/8
•   Bob Cochran  8/10
•   Deborah Lutz (Payne)  8/10
•   Nancy Joyner (Stevens)  8/12
•   Allen Murphy  8/12
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•   Roberta Ronan  2024
•   Robert Trawick  2023
•   Hank Tidwell  2021
•   Doug Robinson  2022
•   Ethel Turner  2023
•   Orion Latson  2021
•   Mark Webb  2022
•   Robert Barber  2022
•   Russell Harbach  2022
•   James "Jim" Whitt  2022
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We are in the planning stages of our 50th reunion. We welcome all donations so that we can possibly keep the cost down of the event admission. Thanks in advance.

It's been 50 years!!!!!

A good time was had by all.

If you didn't come, we missed you.

Don't worry.  We'll do a 70th birthday

party in a couple years.

(Pictures of the 50th coming soon!!)

Debbie Cross: or

Randy Carmichael:




 Buy 40th, 45th, & 50th Reunion t-shirts here (click me)




(To become a member of this site, look to the right upper corner of this page and follow instructions. This site is only for former Melbourne High School students and teachers of our era.)


Contact us: info at melhi73 dot com



As of August 6, 2023 we are 

351 Members Strong!


Questions? Write us at:


First time here? 

Click HERE for Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

& Privacy information.


Relive ALL reunions, click below to see photos!

Stay tuned for pictures of the 50th


1) Photo booth photos (40th)

2) All other photos



Is your name missing?

If you were a member of the Mel-Hi Class of '73 and your name is NOT listed on the Classmate Profiles, please send an email with your pertinent information to the address below.

Wish you could hang out with the Class of '73?

We don't blame you. If you were friends with people in the Class of '73 and want to hang out with the cool members on this site, ask a class sponsor to ask on your behalf that your name be added. Or just write us and plead your case. You will then (probably) be admitted as a Guest Member. Guest members have many of the same privileges as class members except they are categorized separately in Classmate Profiles, In Memory, etc.

Contact us:


You will find a very active community of funny, fun, kind, caring fellow '73 grads on Facebook.

Click here:


Once there, in the right upper area, click the "Ask to Join Group" button.




I have added a link at the bottom of the right margin that is automatically configured to use as a "Refer a Friend" program.  Not only is the Class Creator site used for high school classes, but for families and any group that may benefit. If we refer someone to the site and they sign up for Class Creator, a $50 check will be sent to our class!!  This is a great way to earn a little extra money and try to keep our costs down for reunions. If you know anyone that could use the service please pass along the information. To receive credit they must use the link below. If they need assistance please use the "Contact Us" button.



